<担当授業科目>Subjects in Undergraduate Courses
・花卉学(日, taught in Japanese)
・World Food and Agriculture(英, taught in English)
・生物資源生産科学実習I(日, taught in Japanese)
・生物生産システム学実習(日, taught in Japanese)
<Interdisciplinary Program in Life and Environmental Sciences> Global 30 Program Taught in English
・Freshman Seminar
・Field Studies in Life and Environmental Sciencs
・Food and Forest
・Chemistry I
・Chemistry II
・Chemistry III
・World Food and Agriculture
<大学院授業> Graduate School
・蔬菜・花卉学演習I (Seminar in Olericulture and Floriculture I)
・蔬菜・花卉学演習II (Seminar in Olericulture and Floriculture II)
・蔬菜・花卉学特別研究I (Research in Olericulture and Floriculture I)
・蔬菜・花卉学特別研究II (Research in Olericulture and Floriculture II)
<本研究領域に関連する授業科目> Related Subjects helpful to our laboratory
・花卉学 (Floriculture)
・園芸学 (Horticultural Science)
・蔬菜生産学 (Vegetable Production)
・植物生物工学 (Plant Biotechnology)
・植物生理学 (Plant Physiology)
・植物機能化学 (Functional Phytochemistry)
・分析化学 (Analytical Chemistry)
・生物統計学 (Biostatistics), etc.
<担当授業科目>Subjects in Undergraduate Courses
・花卉学(日, taught in Japanese)
・World Food and Agriculture(英, taught in English)
・生物資源生産科学実習I(日, taught in Japanese)
・生物生産システム学実習(日, taught in Japanese)
<Interdisciplinary Program in Life and Environmental Sciences> Global 30 Program Taught in English
・Freshman Seminar
・Field Studies in Life and Environmental Sciencs
・Food and Forest
・Chemistry I
・Chemistry II
・Chemistry III
・World Food and Agriculture
<大学院授業> Graduate School
・蔬菜・花卉学演習I (Seminar in Olericulture and Floriculture I)
・蔬菜・花卉学演習II (Seminar in Olericulture and Floriculture II)
・蔬菜・花卉学特別研究I (Research in Olericulture and Floriculture I)
・蔬菜・花卉学特別研究II (Research in Olericulture and Floriculture II)
<本研究領域に関連する授業科目> Related Subjects helpful to our laboratory
・花卉学 (Floriculture)
・園芸学 (Horticultural Science)
・蔬菜生産学 (Vegetable Production)
・植物生物工学 (Plant Biotechnology)
・植物生理学 (Plant Physiology)
・植物機能化学 (Functional Phytochemistry)
・分析化学 (Analytical Chemistry)
・生物統計学 (Biostatistics), etc.
<担当授業科目>Subjects in Undergraduate Courses
・花卉学(日, taught in Japanese)
・World Food and Agriculture(英, taught in English)
・生物資源生産科学実習I(日, taught in Japanese)
・生物生産システム学実習(日, taught in Japanese)
<Interdisciplinary Program in Life and Environmental Sciences> Global 30 Program Taught in English
・Freshman Seminar
・Field Studies in Life and Environmental Sciencs
・Food and Forest
・Chemistry I
・Chemistry II
・Chemistry III
・World Food and Agriculture
<大学院授業> Graduate School
・蔬菜・花卉学演習I (Seminar in Olericulture and Floriculture I)
・蔬菜・花卉学演習II (Seminar in Olericulture and Floriculture II)
・蔬菜・花卉学特別研究I (Research in Olericulture and Floriculture I)
・蔬菜・花卉学特別研究II (Research in Olericulture and Floriculture II)
<本研究領域に関連する授業科目> Related Subjects helpful to our laboratory
・花卉学 (Floriculture)
・園芸学 (Horticultural Science)
・蔬菜生産学 (Vegetable Production)
・植物生物工学 (Plant Biotechnology)
・植物生理学 (Plant Physiology)
・植物機能化学 (Functional Phytochemistry)
・分析化学 (Analytical Chemistry)
・生物統計学 (Biostatistics), etc.
<担当授業科目>Subjects in Undergraduate Courses
・花卉学(日, taught in Japanese)
・World Food and Agriculture(英, taught in English)
・生物資源生産科学実習I(日, taught in Japanese)
・生物生産システム学実習(日, taught in Japanese)
<Interdisciplinary Program in Life and Environmental Sciences> Global 30 Program Taught in English
・Freshman Seminar
・Field Studies in Life and Environmental Sciencs
・Food and Forest
・Chemistry I
・Chemistry II
・Chemistry III
・World Food and Agriculture
<大学院授業> Graduate School
・蔬菜・花卉学演習I (Seminar in Olericulture and Floriculture I)
・蔬菜・花卉学演習II (Seminar in Olericulture and Floriculture II)
・蔬菜・花卉学特別研究I (Research in Olericulture and Floriculture I)
・蔬菜・花卉学特別研究II (Research in Olericulture and Floriculture II)
<本研究領域に関連する授業科目> Related Subjects helpful to our laboratory
・花卉学 (Floriculture)
・園芸学 (Horticultural Science)
・蔬菜生産学 (Vegetable Production)
・植物生物工学 (Plant Biotechnology)
・植物生理学 (Plant Physiology)
・植物機能化学 (Functional Phytochemistry)
・分析化学 (Analytical Chemistry)
・生物統計学 (Biostatistics), etc.
The Laboratory of Olericulture and Floriculture
The Kang LAB
Floriculture & Biotechnology
◆ CURRENT Research Projects
Development of advanced resource recyclable food supply system -「Development of New Plant Cultivars」
Strategic project- Development of advanced resource-recyclable food supply system supporting long-term stays on the moon, etc."
JP: https://spacefoodsphere.jp/stardust-program/ EN: https://spacefoodsphere.jp/en/stardust-program/
「Breeding Innovation in Chili Pepper and Tomato to Accelerate Sustainable Vegetable Production in Tropical Regions」
Establishing advanced breeding platform for sustainable vegetable production in Tropical Regions.
To ensure food security in preparation for rapid climate change, improve farm income, and promote public health, sustainable production and supply of vegetables is essential in tropical regions where rapid population growth and economic growth are expected in future. The project therefore aims to build an innovative breeding platform using advanced molecular breeding and genome editing technology that can rapidly develop heat tolerant tomatoes and disease resistant chili peppers in Indonesia, facing climate change in the tropical regions.
Contribution to sustainable vegetable production in Indonesia and other tropical regions of the world
野菜の育種プロセスの加速化と新品種の利用促進の基盤となる“Center of Advanced Breeding Technique (CAB-Tech)”を設立し、将来的には熱帯の環境に適したさまざまな野菜品種の開発を可能にする。インドネシアをモデル国として世界の熱帯地域の持続的な野菜生産に貢献する。
We will establish The Center of Advanced Breeding Technique (CAB-Tech) during the project as a core center for accelerating the vegetable breeding process as well as a basis for promoting the use of new cultivars. The CAB-Tech will enable to develop various vegetable cultivars suitable for tropical environments in the future. Using Indonesia as a model country, we will contribute to sustainable vegetable production in the tropical regions of the world.
JP: https://www.jst.go.jp/global/kadai/r0407_indonesia.html EN: https://www.jst.go.jp/global/english/kadai/r0407_indonesia.html
◆ Research Topics
Analysis of Volatile Organic Compounds and Metabolic Engineering of Floricultural Plants
花の香りは植物がつくり出す二次代謝産物で構成された多様な揮発成分のです。特に野生菊の花の香気成分分析と解析を行っています。固相マイクロ抽出法(Solid-Phase Micro Extraction)などを用いて芳香成分を抽出し、GC-MSを用いて様々な花卉植物の芳香成分における分析条件の最適化・成分解析などの研究を行っています。また、2次代謝産物に関る遺伝子の探索・機能解析の研究も行っています。得られた研究結果を園芸品種に適用し、 新品種の育種・開発するなど、花卉園芸への貢献を目指しています。
Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are not only one of the important biological trait s for various plants but also considered an important factor affecting marketability of various horticultural plants. In order to improve such traits of horticultural plants, especially ornamental plants, we analyze scent components and other important volatile compounds using head-space techniques and so on.
in vitro Mass Propagation and Production of Wild Orchids
植物の成長及び生育に係わる光環境の影響 (Quantum Phytology)
Photosynthetic Regulation on the Development and Growth of Floricultural Plants)
Light Environment is the one of key factors that regulates photosynthesis in the leaves of ornamental plants. Light Environment affects leaf variegation of many ornamental plants. In our laboratory, we try to identify genes involved in leaf variegation and how they are controlled according to the light intensity.
Quantum Phytology